Welcome people

My name is Rakesh and I am 23 years old

I will tell you about my life and how you recognise a scam.

This is me and my co-workers:

About Me

Some Information

Some of the nations with most internet scamming fraudsters are:

Mexico Nigeria
India Hungary
Ukraine Brazil

How scamming works

  • So first of all what is scamming?
  • A scam is a term used to describe any fraudulent business or scheme that takes money or other goods from an unsuspecting person. With the world becoming more connected thanks to the Internet, online scams have increased, and it's often up to you to help stay cautious with people on the Internet.

  • Types of scam
  • The tactics used by scammers and fraudsters can vary from someone coming to your front door to an unexpected phone call. The internet and advances in digital communications have opened other ways for scammers to target you and steal information. Chances are, you’ve come across the most common type of scams – the spam email from a Nigerian prince or reporting to be from HMRC or your bank. However, while email scams can be quite easy to spot and avoid, others are much more sophisticated.

  • How to recognise a scam
  • Knowing what to be on the lookout for when it comes to scams is one of the best ways to protect yourself. Unsolicited or unexpected contact. If you have received any kind of contact, but particularly a phone call, out of the blue, it is best to avoid it. Since January 2019, there has been a ban on cold calling about pensions. This means you should not be contacted by any company about your pension unless you’ve asked them to. Email address. If you get an email, expand the pane at the top of the message and see exactly who it has come from. If it is a scam, the email address the message has come from will be filled in with random numbers, or be misspelled.

    How to protect yourself against scams

  • Avoid any unexpected contact. Any phone calls, letters, emails or people knocking on your door should be ignored.